Object to Array

I have 2 query in my API.
The first API will return results in object

how can I turn these into an array so that I can use it on my next query to exclude? I assume I need to use subpath, but I can't loop each with something like results.*.id


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Can you clarify? {"id":1,"id":2,"id":3} as an object is not valid because it has the same path. 
    Is it perhaps: 

    And what are you trying to transform it into? Just the values?
  • Knight
    Knight Member
     you are right on the objects, yes just the values, so that I can use it on my next query , Select * from where id in [1,2,3]
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    So you can use the VALUES filter if you want to just grab the values of an object. There's a tutorial on it too

  • Knight
    Knight Member
    that's a bit diff, I have object of array
    but I need it to convert into array ["user2","user3]
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    I see... so I would just create a new variable, name it whatever you want and just use dot notation on the existing variable object to get the results you want:
