Isolate Record Under An Object

I need advise on how to isolate the record under an object in Xano ?

Current setup :
• Type : Object
• Structure : List[image.png]

Current return from Query All Records
• [image.png]

Issue Encountered :
1. GET : When I API with Query All Record in Appgyver, it only return the first entry - "floral" and not second entry.
2. POST : When I API with Create Record in Appgyver, how to post new entry into the object ?

Remarks :
Isolation of entry might not be the answer to issue encountered, is there a workaround to achieve my GET and POST requirement?


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Hey  I recommend reviewing this recent post on object arrays:

    There's a few tutorials in there that should be helpful. As far as AppGyver only returning the first entry of the object array that does sound a bit bizarre. Are you doing any type of filtering that might be causing this? Or AppGyver just doesn't show it as a list?
  • Jasper
    Jasper Member
     Thanks for sharing the post. I will check it out.

    No filter applied. On Appgyver, the GET Collection API works fine, returning all data under the object array. But on the "front end component" only first entry were retrieved.
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    I'm not quite as savvy with front-end design so definitely more of a question for AppGyver. But I suspect you would need some sort of repeating component since it is an array (list) you aim to display